Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Overheard in the Holmes' House

Katherine: "You know, I've decided something."
Mom: "What's that?"
Katherine: "I think I'm actually going to study for finals this year."
Mom: "Uh, that's good, Katherine because they are tomorrow."

Yep. True story.


Barb said...

Wow! Way to go, Katherine! I'm excited about that motivation to do well on finals! =)

Anonymous said...

your just jealous
that im such a genius i dont NEED
to study to get good grades.
im just taking extra precautions!

Genny said...

Oh, yes, that's right...I forget that geniuses don't necessarily have good spelling and grammar skills.

Paige said...

anonymous, you ain't so anonymous. I'm sure you're do well!

Barb said...

Actually, "Anonymous", you should be jealous of me, because I don't have finals anymore. Actually, maybe you shouldn't be jealous, because I still have that 300-page dissertation to write. Wanna trade?