Monday, September 24, 2007

Up, Up and Away...Almost

We had a fun surprise happen to us this morning. Our friend, Glenn, invited us to see a hot air balloon owned by a friend of his. We drove over to a grassy area behind the North American Mission Board building. Amazing! I had thought we might just stand around and look at the balloon, but Abigail and Jeff were able to get in for a brief lift off.

Hold on tight, Abigail!

Here we go.....the balloon was actually anchored down by ropes to a truck and a tree,
but they went several feet off the ground.

At one point the wind caught it and the basket kept tipping back and forth.

Time to deflate and pack it up.

We are definitely putting this on our list of "things to do." Can't wait!


Anonymous said...

Cool - wish we could have seen that up close. What's the fascination, I wonder? Is it just that they are so pretty and make a great picture. I'm pretty sure it's not that I'd actually like to be up in the air at the mercy of a giant piece of fabric held up in that air by more air of the hot variety with fire mixed in there somewhere. Yep - pretty sure it's the picture thing.

We were in town until about noon, but now we're not - bah humbug!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Too cool. What a great way to start a Monday. And, what did you ever do before the digital camera was invented?

Barb said...

I am SO jealous! Unlike Melissa, I have always wanted to go up in a hot air balloon. So cool!

And I agree with Paige. I resisted digital photography for a while, but now I think it's the best thing that ever happened to a shutterbug like me (well second of course to Jesus - but that has nothing to do with being a shutterbug). =)