Wednesday, September 12, 2007

It's Back at Last!

Finally! After being recalled in February, Peter Pan Peanut Butter has returned to the store shelves. I found it today at Tom Thumb. It may have been restocked for awhile, but I got so tired of going by the empty shelves at Wal-Mart that I may not have noticed its return. We've been "making do" with a store brand, but it just hasn't been quite the same. I know it has tons of fat grams, but it's also a good source of protein, right? To confess, I couldn't wait for my breakfast tomorrow of peanut butter toast. I dug in a spoon tonight and had just a little with some Honey Chamomile Tea. Yum.

My favorite peanut butter returns, a hint of fall is in the air, hopefully the 3 meds I'm on are clearing up my sickness...I just might feel the blah-ness lifting. Which is really good, because I haven't found the happy place yet.


Anonymous said...

Yep - it's been back awhile now. I know this because I've bought every brand of peanut butter known to man during this whole peanut butter drama. My kids can't live without peanut butter. (Thankfully the brand doesn't matter to them.) One week there was finally nothing left. It was a sad day at the Davis home.

Barb said...

I guess we each have our comfort foods. It's funny how that works. Mine, as we all well know, is pickles, and I was SO happy to get back to the States where pickles are actually PICKLES! Glad to know your comfort food is back!

Anonymous said...

Peanut butter is still not totally in my good graces, since it (specifically peter pan) caused food poisoning, a bleeding ulcer, four nights in the hospital, an endoscopy and 4 blood transfusions. I'm just saying, I think peanut butter and I are still broken up.

Genny said...

Jeff says I'm lame for writing about peanut butter. Two comments...

1. Hey, if you can't enjoy the simple things in life, right?

2. I'm not Paige, on her way to a Pulitzer Prize for writing.

Anonymous said...

You are not lame for writing about peanut butter. My gosh, I write about bumble bees and the plumbing. He's just jealous of your fabulous thoughts on life.