Saturday, September 8, 2007

The Blah

Once upon a time there was a Blah...a nothing...a nobody...named Billy. "I'm just a Blah!" Billy told his mother. "Yes, dear," said his mother, who was busy and wasn't really listening. That's how it is, being a Blah.

And so begins one of my favorite books, The Blah, by Jack Kent. That's my week described. Just don't feel well, a little off-kilter, can't really explain it kind of blah. Having a hard time accomplishing anything, start a couple projects, don't finish, what do I do now kind of week. Need to do laundry. Nope, don't feel like it. Really oughta clean house. Nope, don't feel like that either. Have you ever had one of those weeks? or two?

Goal for this week: Recover from blah-ness. Find a happy place. Stay there.


Anonymous said...

Hang in there! You are one of the least blah people I know, so you'll come back to yourself soon. And, now, I don't think I'll be eating scrambled eggs for a while, either.

Barb said...

Sorry to hear about your blah-ness. I have felt much the same this week - life is blah right now. But it'll pick up, for both of us, I know. Have a GREAT week this week!

Anonymous said...

I am right there with ya! The blah-ness bug must be going around bigtime! But I have had it for while now! Maybe we should meet and be blah together :)

Anonymous said...

ME TOO! Seriously blah, and then some! I want to come to your happy place when you find it.

Barb said...

Care to join me in my happy place, which will probably include scrapbooking?

Genny said...

OK...when I get to my happy place you are all invited. It will include the following things (something for everyone): scrapbooking, hot tea, chocolate, pajamas, wood burning fireplace, french fries, and bread pudding!

Barb said...

Ooh, three of my favorite things - scrapbooking, french fries, and pajamas. And after Scotland hot tea is high on my list too. I'm drinking a cup right now because it's FREEZING in my office!

Anonymous said...

I think I need a happy place, now, too. Take me with you!