Thursday, August 16, 2007

Thoughts on Having a "Gold" Personality

Before I expound on the benefits of having a gold personality, I must direct you to Paige's Blog. (This will explain why I'm commenting on this topic.) For some strange reason, my computer (or something) will no longer allow me to leave comments on Paige's blog. I typed in a wonderfully witty comment this morning and the screen just went blank. This has happened to me before, so I did not try again. I did say that having this type of personality is perfectly respectable. All of my favorite people are gold-personalitied; they know who they are. And, I believe 2 of them left comments on Paige's blog.

Speaking of which, I agree with Melissa that reading Paige's words in the morning is a wonderful start to any day. Second to that, I am starting to read Melissa's comments to Paige's thoughts right after that. I believe it is time for Melissa to create her own blog, say "Melissa's Musings?" Can anyone second that? Melissa, like myself, will say that she does not have time to do such a thing. But, I can assure you, once started , you will be addicted and as she has already said it is "one of the bright spots in her day." Organized, on time, obsessive types unite!


Bartley Family said...

I will back you up on the fact that blogging is both addictive and extremely therapeutic. I love to scrapbook but it's time consuming and I'm REALLY behind, but blogging is my way of sharing, remembering and kind of instantly scrapbooking. Melissa - it's time. Join the ranks of us who love keeping up with each other and just sharing a little of ourselves with the world. As for Paige - gold is perfectly fine with me. I have been identified as a beaver/lion myself. Scary combo....just ask my husband.

Anonymous said...

I have no idea why you can't leave a comment. I can't find anything that says you are blocked, etc. However, I did get your comments that you posted earlier this week. Try and leave another one and then let me know exactly what it says so I can contact them.

And,thanks for the encouraging words. I need them this week as I feel like I jumped from the frying pan into the fire. Golds unite!

Barb said...

I concur with Genny and Amy about blogging being addictive and quite enjoyable. It was a wonderful way to stay in touch with people in Scotland, and has just kind of carried on now that I'm back. However, blogging is NOT a substitute for scrapbooking, as I can say from experience because I am DYING to find time to scrap! Though I will admit, it will be nice to have "instant journaling" when I get to that point.

From one "gold" to another...

Anonymous said...

Funny you should mention the blog thing because Michele made me one. She called it Davis Debacles and after I picked myself up off the floor from laughing, I told her maybe we didn't want to go with that name, since it was slightly depressing, even if it was, sadly, pretty fitting. Anyway, she's working on it, so give me more names and we'll see what we can do with it.