Saturday, August 4, 2007

Robin Hood

We enjoyed a wonderful show tonight at the Keel Theater at South Grand Prairie High School. Rebecca auditioned on Monday morning for a part in Robin Hood, sponsored by the Missoula Children's Theater Group. She was given the part of a guard. Practices were held all week long. It was amazing to see the kids put a show together in such a short amount of time -- only 5 days! Rebecca's friend, Amanda, was Marian's Maid. Thanks go to the Arnold's for allowing Rebecca to spend most of the week with them so we didn't have to drive Rebecca back and forth for practice. Way to go, Becca!
Robin Hood Cast

Prettiest guard, mustache and all
Rebecca is back row, far right.

Sheriff of Nottingham, Prince John, Robin Hood, Marian's Maid

1 comment:

Barb said...

The show was brilliant! Well done, Bec.