Thursday, January 31, 2008

Locks of Love

The day finally arrived. After months (years?) of growing out her hair, Rebecca had a ponytail that was long enough to cut for Locks of Love. Locks of Love is an organization that makes wigs for cancer patients. Hair must be at least 10 inches to be accepted as a donation. And, it takes approximately 6 ponytails to create one wig. Rebecca's hair had been long enough for awhile, but she did not want her hair to be too short once the 10-inch ponytail was cut. Hence, the long time between haircuts.


The measurement and the actual cut! I think Rebecca was a little nervous. Rann did a wonderful job. The final measurement of the ponytail was 11 inches! That's a lot of hair.


All that is left now is to put the ponytail in a bag and put it in the mail. I think someone will be very fortunate to have Rebecca's hair as their own.


Barb said...

So cute, Rebeccca! I love your new haircut. And I agree, someone is going to be very blessed to get your hair. I've always been jealous of how thick and pretty it is.

Peas on Earth said...

You go, girl!! Andie donated this summer, but only had 7 inches. They can't use it for a wig, but they do accept it and can sell it to offset wig-making costs. Congratulations on your 11 inches!!! :-) Your haircut is beautiful!!!

Paige said...

Rebecca, that's awesome! And I love your new haircut!

Anonymous said...

Definitely very cute, Rebecca. And I would think they wouldn't need as many ponytails with your girls' hair. I've never seen such thick hair in my life.