Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Any Beach but South Beach

I love the beach! Blue-green water, white sands, balmy breezes...what's not to love? I would be happy to vacation at the beach every year. Well, any beach but South Beach. Three weeks ago I decided to kick start some weight loss by following the South Beach Diet Plan. I'd done it before with great results. My first two weeks were great -- five pounds down. Third week? Not so much. No pounds lost -- none, zero, nunca,! In one part of my brain I think that should be good, because I did have that giant corn dog at the rodeo on Saturday. It's the rodeo. What else could I have? A loaded baked potato? (South Beach's version of evil) Well, I did have that small nibble of Abigail's funnel cake. Nirvana! Oh yeah, and a couple handfuls of Rebecca's cotton candy. OK, so maybe I haven't been as good as I could have this week. It would probably be easier if I just didn't care about health, and feeling good, and fitting into the clothes in my closet. But, I do. Back to the "no sweets - no carbs" drawing board for me. I can do it! I know I can. Really. Probably. Maybe. Sigh...


Barb said...

You are too funny. I am impressed that you lasted as long as you did on the no-carbs, no-sweets, no-fun diet. I definitely think Weight Watchers is the way to go, though my favorite weight-loss system is the Scotland version: go to Scotland for 6 months, walk a ton and don't eat out, lose lots of weight. Too bad it doesn't last in the States. I need another go at it. Care to join me?

Peas on Earth said...

I'll go to Scotland with you, Barb!

Oh, wait - that's not what you meant. Drat.

Uh, if either of you figure out the key to this weight thing, will you let me in on the secret? In the meantime I am going to go on with the not-really-caring-all-that-much approach. Someday I hope to move overseas to a third world country where I buy fresh veggies every day at the outdoor market, ice cream costs $10 per half gallon when you can get it, and we don't drive anywhere unless we're leaving town. Oh, and the town is built on the side of a mountain.

Yep ... that's the weight-loss plan for me. :-)

Care to join me?

Paige said...

My plan was to join the gym. I started really good last week and went 3 times. Then this week I got sick, so no gym for me. So much for off to a good start. Hopefully the coughing will go away soon and I can get back in the swing of things.

Barb said...

Actually, Sharon, that IS what I was talking about. I wanna go back to Scotland, though not for that long this time. I'm not so sure about the third world country, but it probably will be a great weight loss program. Though you don't need it. Neither of you do. As for me, I've always taken the not-caring approach. Unfortunately, that's what's gotten me where I am today... Hm...

Peas on Earth said...

Yeah, that's what you think, Barb. ;-) Actually, I do currently reside in the "overweight" category on the BMI scale. Ironically, I dropped out of that category (for the first time in years) within six months of my son's birth, but that didn't last. But, I digress.

I'd go to Scotland with you. We spent two nights/three days in Edinburgh back in '97. It wasn't nearly long enough. But, my favorite part of the island? Wales. Oh, yeah. Wales. Wow.

Genny said...

Girls, I think we are all dreamers. I'm thinking heaven is probably my best bet at this point.

Anonymous said...

Have you bought your juicer yet?...I'm not getting you one for your birthday. I don't buy those kind of presents for birthdays! I thought you weren't going to do "South Beach" again. What happened to six small meals a day? And of course, all that water!!! Oh that reminds me, I need to go drink a glass of water. Haven't had one today and it is 11:10. I think I'm going to have to set alarms to remind me to drink water.