Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Here's Lookin' at Ya!

Katherine, Rebecca and Jeff enjoyed a picnic at a park in Arlington while waiting for Rebecca's volleyball game to start. I have a feeling we'll be going back there for picnics most every Monday and Tuesday until summer volleyball league is over. Unfortunately Mom and Abigail were at Care Now. Abigail has strep throat and had an allergic reaction to her medicine. So, back to the doctor for a different medicine and something for the reaction. Yuck!


A thoughtful Katherine...wondering how she's going to get out of this tube she's stuck in!

Hello there!

Oops! Are you stuck, too?

Just a few more twists and I'll be at ground level.

1 comment:

Barb said...

Poor Abigail! Hope she feels better soon. Love these pics. The girls look like they're having lots of fun.