Sunday, March 15, 2009

That's All, Folks

Abigail reached a milestone this week. After 2 1/2 years, once a week, she has completed her allergy shots. This probably doesn't seem like a great topic to blog about, but it's huge to us. Time-wise we gain back an hour every Wednesday. Always a good day to have more time on. Money-wise we gain back $64.80 per month, and some monstrous amount for extract once every quarter. I'm not sure if I'm more excited about the money or the time.  

Trish, the wonderful shot giver.
Abigail celebrated by bringing 
her some homemade cookes.

This picture is out of order, 
but I couldn't move it for some reason.
Abigail sitting in the waiting room 
with an ice pack for 15 minutes after
getting her injection.

Can you tell Abigail was thrilled for me to be
documenting this momentous occasion?

(Oh well, it will give my kids something to talk about when they're older.  Remember how crazy mom was when we were younger? Photographing everything?)

The empty bottle...a beautiful sight

The best part of this day was realizing how much Abigail's health has improved. I know she doesn't get sick near as often, and her eczema is all but gone. A huge thank you to Dr. Lanier and his staff for taking care of my baby.


Penny said...

I understand completely! I give myself allergy shots about three times a week. They have made my allergies much better.
I hope she got more than her picture taken for memories sake. Like maybe at least a milkshake or hot chocolate!

Barb said...

Yeah, Abigail! I know you're glad to be finished with the shots.

Anonymous said...

Yeah for Abigail! I'm wondering if I need to start them again...