Friday, January 16, 2009

Just Some Things I've Been Wanting to Ask

Since I've not blogged in awhile (due to photo uploading problems), I've discovered something about myself.  There are times when I just need to say things -- outloud, in print, where I can see and hear them.  Blogging is a bit like therapy for me, I guess. There's a certain satisfaction, if you will, in throwing those words out there. Even the act of typing them out gives you a certain "something."  (Can I say typing? Should I have said keyboarding?)  But I digress...  

I know many people who journal. I love journals. Beautiful books, with fancy covers...I have several of them. I bought them because of the gorgeous designs, and maybe I intended to write in them at one time.  The crisp, clean pages so empty, just waiting for me to fill them with my thoughts so one day, in the future, people will know what I thought about and what occurred in my life. Not gonna happen.  Every journal I own has the first 5-8 pages written in and then nothing.  So, this is my journaling. This is my therapy. And here are some things I've been wondering lately. I'm not really looking for answers. Just wanted to get them off my chest.

1.  Why are government employees, specifically postal workers, so crabby? And, so slow?

2.  Why can't I maintain a healthy eating lifestyle/weight?

3. Why do I hate to exercise? (The answer to #2 is probably linked here.)

4.  When the creator of  gym bleachers made them, did he realize how uncomfortable they were going to be to sit on?

5.  Will I be able to get over the fear of my child driving. . . in a car. . . by herself?

6.  Why do we always take out our stress on the people we love most?

7.  Will I ever be able to forgive Mrs. Hancock for not teaching me music theory?

8.  Is there anyone in the world who could work on making french fries healthy?

9.  When my girls are all in school together (next year), is there anyone who would pay me to do scrapbooking as a career?

10.  Will my mind ever work like a normal person?

I'm just wondering...


Melissa said...

Well, I'm afraid my answer to most of those would have to be I don't know, but in answer to #'s 5 and 9, the chances are good that those could be answered with a yes. Not sure how you'd make that happen on #9, but I bet there might be something. And then, for #10, not sure about the "normal" thing, but it works like mine...are neither of us normal...and do we want to be, if we're not?....just saying...normal may be highly overrated...on the other hand, maybe we've not had the minds together enough lately...they may not be functioning correctly...?
Hope to see you sometime this weekend - between basketball or something? I still have your Christmas gift. How awful is that?

Penny said...

Well I do have good news about the french fries. George Forman has invited a deep fryer that spins which results in about 55% lest fat. Check it out
You are normal. You just need to redefine what normal is. Normal for you is different than normal for me!

Anonymous said...

My answer to all your questions: I don't know. Let me know if you ever get the answers to any of those questions....Glad to see you back on the blog!

Barb said...

Wow, three posts in one day! You're back!!! Yeah!

I'm with you on the empty journals. The only time I was ever consistent on journaling was when I was on summer missions, but it didn't translate back into normal life. THat's why I'm thankful blogging. It's a semi-public journal where you can get reinforcement and comments from your friends!