Monday, February 22, 2010

This Ain't Your Mama's College Experience

Katherine visited SFA this past weekend to "check out" the dorm situation and get an idea of which one she might want to live in. This morning, as she was unloading the dishwasher...(Rats! I just realized when she leaves that job will be undone.) Sorry...I digress...

This morning we were discussing laundry. Probably because I have a thousand loads to do today, and she said, "Oh, the coolest thing! One of the dorms I looked at has washing machines and dryers that will text you when your laundry is finished!" Seriously? Now you may not agree, but it isn't a real college experience unless you go down to the laundry room to find your slightly damp laundry sitting on a table because someone else thought it was "finished" and needed the dryer for themselves.

Texting you? Seriously? Next she'll tell me each dorm has a housekeeper that folds and delivers it, too. As my Grandma Cannon might have said, "What is this world coming to?"


Barb said...

Oooh, those washers and dryers sound fabulous! I want one that folds the clothes and puts them away too!

Penny said...

My "thousand" loads of laundry was yesterday...I do not know how they dirty so much! Rebecca would agree with your real college experience as to where you find your laundry, although there are articles of clothing she has yet to find. Her response, "I guess someone really like it."