Thursday, February 11, 2010

Cloudy with a Chance of (More?) Snow

Who can believe the amount of snow we've had this winter? I haven't tried to measure it, but looking outside I bet we've accumulated at least four inches on the ground this morning. And, they are predicting from two-four more before tonight. It's still coming down at a pretty fast rate. I have a few more pics, but Blogger won't cooperate by uploading (of course). So, I'm going to make myself a pot of tea and rejoice in the gorgeous, gently falling snow. And, be thankful for the things that snow brings with it: no basketball practice, no track practice, no banquet at school tonight. Snow = freedom.


Anonymous said...

Oh, I wish I was there to have a cup of tea with you and enjoy the beauty of the snow. All we are getting is more rain and those blue/gray skies.

Barb said...

I wish I was in Ft. Worth to have some tea with you as well - instead, I spent the whole day working! But not tomorrow!