Sunday, January 31, 2010

Slope y-intercept and other things I don't understand

Big trouble at the Holmes' house tonight...Abigail needed math homework help and Jeff is sick. Seriously, have I ever used slope y-intercept EVER since I learned it in middle school? Uh...NO. I'm sure there are many people who find this a necessary part of their daily lives, but I don't happen to be one of them. Thank goodness. For some reason this got me thinking about all the other things in life that I just don't understand.

1. People who audition for American Idol who clearly can't sing and say, "But my friends all say I have a great voice!" Stop lying to your friends, people.

2. Why some people think burnt orange is an attractive color.

3. Referees who don't call fouls on basketball players who trip your child, resulting in their body being slammed to the floor.

4. the fascination people have in watching "The Bachelor"

5. Lady Gaga

6. People who don't proofread

7. Leather pants over a size 6

8. Obama, Reed and Pelosi

9. Chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream

10. E-sharp on the piano

Now, let's see...if y = 1/2x + 3...oh, dear.........


Barb said...

Why some people think ANY shade of orange is an attractive color! ;)

This post made me laugh. Thanks for that.

Penny said...

Yes, it was a funny post especially the leather pants! Next time you need math homework help give us a call. I can probably help but my math smart son can most definitely help.