Monday, October 15, 2012

Art Imitating Life

I cannot even describe how this painting makes me feel. Proud. Amazed. Giddy. Speechless. Well, I'm never speechless, I guess. I just look at this work of art and think, "My kid painted this!" I can't claim to have had any part in this talent, with the exception of giving birth to her. (Of course, now that I think about it, that's a pretty big part in the process.) 

I was able to meet her painting professor this week when her class came to the Kimball Art Museum in Fort Worth. I told him how impressed I was with how he had helped to develop her talent and that we felt like we were "getting our money's worth at SFA." His response? "She's coming along...," delivered with a big smile.

I'll say she's "coming along." And, I can't wait to see where she takes us next.

Proud mom.