Tuesday, January 3, 2012

I Resolve...Actually, No I Don't

New Year...new goals...new resolutions? I don't think so. The obvious resolutions have been made (and broken) over and over. Let's see...

exercise more...
lose weight...
eat better...
read my Bible every day, without fail...

I think it was best said by Katherine on her Facebook status on January 1:

i resolve to not resolve, so that i don't set limits on the potential of the new year 

Maybe I'll "resolve" to give that attitude a try...couldn't hurt, right?

And in the process, maybe I'll exercise more...eat better...lose weight...

1 comment:

Barb said...

I made a resolution to complete my dissertation. Well really, that's not so much a resolution as a necessity - I have no other choice if I want to graduate. But I like K's perspective too.