Monday, March 8, 2010

The Thrill of Victory, The Agony of Defeat

WARNING: The following post contains pictures that may be disturbing to some people.

With spring comes the various sports for this time of year; in our case, track and softball. Rebecca and Abigail are running track and Katherine is playing softball. Here's a set of shiny, new track spikes all ready to go.For some, track has been a huge boost. It's fun for them to run fast (why?) and train for hours on end (why?) and top your personal best fastest time. (Side note: I never did see the point of running, fast or slow, in a circle over and over again.This could be due to the fact that I probably lean to the side of "tractor down a two-lane street" slow myself.)

Rebecca has run in three meets so far. She runs the 100 meter, 200 meter, 4x100 meter relay and 4x200 meter relay. Hopefully we'll see some ribbons or medals before the end of the season.

Abigail was assigned to run the 100 meter hurdles on her first track meet. I felt a little concerned because she had, according to her, "only jumped over one hurdle -- ever." I tried to keep my thoughts, and clinching stressed-out stomach, to myself. I cheered her on from the sidelines, and all was going well until the 8th hurdle, where her foot clipped the top of the hurdle, and down she went. If you are a parent reading this, you know how I felt at that exact moment. I wanted to pick up my baby and run away with her and forget hurdles ever existed. Thankfully, Abigail takes after her father, and she picked herself up and jumped over the final hurdles. I, of course, was lecturing myself to not cry and embarrass her further.

Her hands and right knee were scraped and raw and she was holding her right arm. I made an executive decision, along with about six other moms, that she was definitely not running the 300 meter hurdles, because what is that but the same torture, just longer?

Long story, short: Major pain in the right arm, visited the doctor and had x-rays. Possible fracture, but radiologist thought it looked okay. Keep on a brace for a week and if she's still in pain, then we will x-ray again.

My poor baby...

This is the disturbing picture. Ouch!

Here's hoping this post finds you racing (quickly) to your finish line today with no spills along the way.


Barb said...

Poor Abigail! I think jumping hurdles ought to be figurative, not literal, from now on. Hope her arm ends up being okay.

Penny said...

I am right there with you. Why anyone things running (at all) is fun and then running faster is beyond me. I remember the first time John got sick after a race (runner's shock). It was all I could do to not run over there and make sure he was ok since he was loosing his cookies. The only thing that held me back was he was 16 and I did not want to embarrass him, otherwise I would have been there.
Oh, and great executive decision on the 300 meter hurdles!!