Saturday, March 20, 2010

10th Annual Grace Prep ARCTIC Invitational

Can you say "first day of spring?" (Which, I believe, was technically colder than the first day of winter.) Today was the Grace Prep Invitational track meet at Maverick Stadium at UTA. Hours and hours of planning had gone into this day and the weather forecasters spelled doom yesterday when they predicted rain, plummeting temperatures and possible snow flurries. "Surely they'll cancel," I kept saying, over and over and over. But, that is not the track coach mindset. No lightning, hail or tornadoes? Get out there and run.

Rebecca took this picture on the way to the stadium.

Thankfully the rain stopped about 9:15,
right before the first event at 9:30.

This is the view from the press box where I worked all day.
My job was to read the time sheets and put the medals
together for each team. You can see Cowboy Stadium at the left.

These two were great! They had jobs as runners taking
the time sheets and posting them downstairs by the track.

Here is one cold, tired girl. She said her hands
felt like they had needles stinging them when she was running.

Dreaming of her medals -- 2nd place in 4x200m relay
and 3rd place in 4x100m relay -- and a warm bed, probably.

Thanks to my inside job the day wasn't too bad for me. And, I'm hoping the rest of our spring track meets aren't quite so winter-ish.

1 comment:

Barb said...

Great pics for your 12 memories book - and way to go, Bec!