Friday, February 27, 2009

Happy Birthday to Me

I have determined that no matter how much I might wish to stop birthdays from coming, they are inevitable. Since that is the case,  you might as well enjoy them, right? Last Wednesday I celebrated the 14th anniversary of my 29th birthday. (Hey, if my grandma can claim 29 years all her life, so can I!)  I received many wonderful gifts, cards, tons of Facebook well wishes, and truly had a blessed day. I am thankful for all of you who made my day so special.  To see the story of my delicious cake, go to Barb's Wire.

Gorgeous flowers from Jeff

Wearing my beautiful shirt from my friend, Teri Hall

Lunch at Red, Hot & Blue with Barb and Abigail

Thanks again, friends and family, for a great day.

1 comment:

Barb said...

Yes, happy birthday to you! I enjoyed getting to celebrate it with you, and glad you had one day of feeling somewhat better in the midst of your illness.