Saturday, February 7, 2009

It Is Gone, Yet I Cannot Be Sad

A major portion of my life ended today, yet I find myself secretly, quietly, in my innermost being......REJOICING!!!  Yes, our 2008-2009 basketball season ended today in Midland, Texas.  We received the phone call from Katherine who announced that her Junior year basketball season was finished.  Thankfully, she was there, and well, we were here, so I was able to do a little happy dance without her seeing me.  Yippee!!!! Yahoo!!! (dancing about madly) Is this excessive celebration??!!?? (skipping through the house)  OH YEAH, BABY!!!  (Picture the old dude from the Six Flags commercials here. Hear the song?)  

Rebecca's final game was on Thursday. Sadly, she was sick with the flu and missed playing. And, I'm pretty sure Abigail might have a couple games left on Saturdays, but hey, that's only a couple hours. There are no more "7-games-a-week" weeks left. Well, not until next year anyway. And, I can think about that tomorrow, or much, much later.

So, now we're on to other sports...Katherine will be playing softball. And, I believe Rebecca is done for the year. Wait a minute, what do you mean you want to run track, Rebecca? Now? This year? In 8th grade? Are you sure??? Oh noooooooo........


Penny said...

Bribe the girl to not do track! My experience with cross country is it consumes more time than any other sport.
So, will we see you at Pokeno next week?

Barb said...

YEAH!!! You can have a life again! I'm so glad b-ball is over (except saturdays). and I WILL see K play softball - that ought to be fun!