Tuesday, February 24, 2009

It's Your Duty

The sixth graders at Grace Prep are assigned to flag duty a couple times per semester. Working with a partner, they raise and lower the American and Texas flags on two school days. They are taught how to attach them, and the proper way to fold a flag.  Abigail makes me laugh because she says kids in her class put the Texas flag on the wrong way most of the time. (Is it white or red on top?)  She'll get in the car in the afternoon and say, "Well, the Texas flag was wrong again!"  Great job, Abigail. I know the Texas flag was correct at least two days this semester.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well I have a comment. Hooray for Abigail! When I was teaching kindergarten and made Texas flags during Texas Independence, I always had the Texas flag in front of the room and even made one to show them and invariably...there was one or two kids that colored it wrong. But something worse than that...our neighbor always hung his Texas flag upside down so one day when he was outside, I stopped and hollered at him,"Hey Tim, your Texas flag is upside down!" "HUH?" I repeated myself.
He corrected it, but the next time he put it out it was upside down!!!
Well what can you expect? He is from somewhere east of I-35...Virginia, Alabama or somewhere like that!