Thursday, April 24, 2008

Joy in Small Things

Children have a wonderful way of finding joy in small things. But...slugs? Abigail came in this morning with a bright, happy smile and said, "Look, Mom, isn't he cute?" Uh, sure... evil flower destroyer. "Look how he's crawling all over my hand." Uh, yeah...slimy, disgusting creature. "Wow...look at the clock! Time for school. Better take him outside and smash him," I said. The look on her face almost prompted me to turn myself in to the Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. "We can't kill him!" she cried. "Hey, go throw him in the neighbor's yard," suggested Jeff. "He can kill their flowers." (Aren't you glad Jeff isn't your neighbor?) Well, we compromised. I allowed the slug to live. Abigail put him in the dirt under the rabbit cage where there are no flowers, save dandelions, and he can eat them to his heart's content.


Melissa said...

Can I just say....eeewwwww! I don't mind admiring the cute little things in nature as long as they aren't slimy.... and of course, it helps if they are actually cute... I could draw a cartoon of a snail and it would be cute - the real thing... not so much... not even close.... But I love you, Abigail and your love of God's creatures.... and I guess cuteness is in the eye of the beholder... but slime!....and that brings me right back to eeewwwww!! And that's all I have to say about that.

Barb said...

Genny, you are hilarious. I think I would have reacted much the same way. And Jeff's comment seems appropriate. Poor Abigail. I'm glad you were able to reach a compromise.

Anonymous said...

All I can think of is living in seminary housing and my neighbor (Pike, of all people) pouring salt on one he found in my house. I had no idea. It was so cruel...even if I do agree with Genny that they are gross.