Monday, July 23, 2012

What Were They Thinking?
Edition - I'm Imelda Marcos

Remember Imelda Marcos, wife of the Philippine President, who owned 2,700 pairs of shoes? I believe I'm just about as fascinated as she is when it comes to shoes. That, and shopping at Ross. Every time I go into the store I am strangely drawn by the eerily high heels on the latest crop of shoes. I believe this first picture takes the cake on shoe design. These are literally scaling the heights of fashion. I can literally imagine that little pencil heel just snapping off the minute someone takes a step. I wonder if the shoe manufacturers' test these babies for weight limit. Just wondering...

Sorry for the blur. I was laughing at Abigail trying to stuff her foot into some heels.

This is a little design I like to call Cruella DeVille. Only one dalmatian was harmed in the making of these shoes!

And for your outfit that needs that extra "pop" of color we have these beauties. And don't even get me started on the moonboots in the background. I don't have time to segue into any Napoleon Dynamite one-liners. I've gotta go get some chapstick. My lips hurt real bad.

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