Sunday, April 15, 2012

Psalm 68

As I mentioned in the previous post, I'm currently studying the Psalms in a Precept Bible study. It's amazing the truths you learn from marking important words and phrases and really picking apart the Scriptures. One day this week the assignment for Psalm 68 was to make note of God's nature and His works. Wow! All of this in just one little psalm. : )

a father of the fatherless
a judge for the widows
makes a home for the lonely
leads out prisoners into prosperity
causes heavens to drop rain
provides for the poor
daily bears our burden
is our salvation
a God of deliverance
shatters the head of His enemies
acts on our behalf
scatters people who delight in war
rides upon the highest heavens
speaks forth with His mighty voice
His majesty is over Israel
His strength is in the skies
awesome from His sanctuary
gives strength and power to the people

Yes. That's God. Who can comprehend?

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