Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Karen, It's Got to Stop

I've been very disappointed lately in the words that have been coming from Karen Kingsbury's pen. (or should I say computer)

She has long been one of my favorite authors. From the first book, I was completely hooked. I would grab the tissues before I started the book, knowing I would need them at some point. Lately, that hasn't happened. She has taken the writing of series just a little too far in my opinion. I loved the first series that told about the lives of the Baxter family. I was even overjoyed when they continued into the next series of books. When she carried them into a third, I had to say STOP IT! There is only so much I can stand. I'm happy when we leave them at the end with their little "Happily Ever After." I don't want to follow them as they age into death. I can only take so much reality in my fiction, ya know?

So, this week I picked up "This Side of Heaven," a book that has been out for awhile, but I haven't gotten around to reading it. It was a great story. Sad in places, but overall enjoyable. As I finished it this afternoon, I was thinking, "Finally, she's back to writing new stories, creating new characters and plots." Then, I read the Afterword. STOP EVERYTHING. HOLD THE PHONE. This wasn't a made up story. It was the partial story of her brother's life. What?!? No! I cannot believe this. Sad, but true. Get it? Sad, but TRUE?

Now that I've gotten that off my chest, I would like to say that she will not have a spot on my summer reading list. (Not that I've written a summer reading list yet.) When I want that much reality in my life, I'll just live it. I don't want to read it.

1 comment:

Penny said...

I am not the reader you are and with my school schedule do not have time to read, but I came across these books and decided to give them a try. I have read the first two since Easter (that alone is a miracle) and I am currently reading Days and Hours by Susan Meissner. Let me know what you think about them.