Thursday, May 9, 2013

Great Gardens, Batman! Look at the Zucchini!

Yeah...sorry about that title, but I was overusing "Garden Update." So, my goodness, the growth in the past couple weeks. I do believe I can consider my garden a success. I've already learned quite a bit about what to plant and where and the things I need to do differently next year.

Spinach in the foreground and lettuce in the background

Yellow flowers and baby tomatoes are popping out everywhere. My mouth is watering just thinking of going out, picking one and putting salt on it. 

Look! A yellow flower on the squash plant!!

And not to be left out, there are tiny green peaches all over the tree. Please, no one tell the squirrels.

1 comment:

Barb said...

Wow! Looks great! I ate 4 tiny tomatoes from my cherry tomato plant this weekend - they were delish!