Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Apparently, I'm a Mushroom Farmer

I don't know what we did to make so many mushrooms grow in our garden, but MY GOODNESS the mushrooms!  Almost every morning I have to remove countless fungi from the garden. I really think if I went out at night I could sit and watch them grow. There have been about 5 different kinds and here are a few photos of them here.

This was an especially large batch that grew overnight. Jeff said it creeps him out to just look at this picture. Not sure why. I went out and pulled them all up, so he didn't even have to touch them!

Too bad they're not edible. I mean, I guess they're not. I'm certainly not going to risk it. On the "real" food front, the rain has accelerated the growth of the other plants and it won't be long before we're finding some blooms and veggies on them. I hope. What do I know? I'm just a successful mushroom farmer.

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