Wednesday, April 7, 2010

We Have Several Problems As I See It

1. Blogger is once again not cooperating with the uploading of pictures.

2. My life is not my own. It belongs to my calendar.

3. Allergies are going to be the death of me, if my kids don't do the job first.

4. Jeff is out of town.

5. I'm not sleeping. (See #4.)

6. Obama and his government cronies have ruined my summer vacation.

7. Did I mention pollen and its best friend, the wind?

8. I have a gift card to a spa. I received it in December. Need I say more?

9. I am currently planning/working on/attending about 12 major events before the end of May, the biggest of which is my oldest child's graduation from high school. I hope I live to see it.

10. I ate at McDonald's last night. Clearly, I am in a weakened state of mind due to problems one through nine.

I hope you have a nice day. I'm going to try and explain those french fries to my WiiFit trainer.

1 comment:

Barb said...

Oh dear, you do have quite the situation. Hopefully those fries made you feel a little better, even if Mr. WiiFit doesn't agree.