Thursday, June 5, 2008


I don't know why I like IKEA so much, except that IT'S FABULOUS!  There are just so many interesting things to see and do there.  

We went to Round Rock with the purpose of watching our old alma mater, Buna High School, play in the state baseball playoffs.  And, what store just happens to be in Round Rock?  After all, we had promised Katherine a new bed for her birthday.  She was definitely due to get her present, here a month after her birthday.  She did find a bed and nightstand that she liked and we put it together tonight when we got home.  Pics later when her room is all nice and clean.  

While Katherine was searching for a bed, I managed to completely redo my kitchen, select new living room furniture, and pretty much redecorate everyone's bedroom.  Yeah.  Now for a windfall of money from the sky...

I bought a few kitchen gadgets, some delicious-smelling vanilla candles, and some paper napkins.  Jeff makes fun of me, but I love their napkins.  Everyone knows that your food tastes better when you have a pretty napkin beside your plate.  It's true!

Everyone picks out their favorite office space.

And, their favorite bed...

I think Katherine has reached her limit on getting into the doodle bug chairs.  When I was taking the first picture, she was saying, "Hurry, I'm in pain!!!"

Hope everyone is enjoying their summer.  We certainly are.  More pics to come with Katherine's new bed and Rebecca's room, which is almost finished.


Barb said...

Cool, can't wait to see the newly decorated bedrooms. Now, for mine!

Anonymous said...

LOVE Ikea!!! And, summer. And scrapbooking! =)

Anonymous said...

I love IKEA too. :)

It is a good thing we had to go the other way to San Antonio or everyone of us would have had new bedroom furniture too.
