Friday, December 12, 2008

We Need a Little Christmas....Right This Very Minute

Talk about your "Bah Humbug!"  It's very hard to remain "jovial" (Rebecca's most recent favorite vocabulary word) when you are sick. The worst of it hit me on Monday morning, and today, Friday, I am finally starting to pull out of it. I seriously think I have gone through 3 boxes of Puffs Plus in three days. Seriously, you know you are blowing your nose quite frequently when even Puffs Plus tissues hurt your nose. 

Some part of me wonders if it isn't just a little coincidental that I fall prey to sickness just before my busiest weekend of the month -- the children's choir Christmas concert. Could it be that I'm worried? stressed?  FREAKED OUT???  Well, yeah, I guess it could be those things and my body says, "Enough! Go to the couch and lie down.  You have no choice."  

I am feeling better and hope to survive tomorrow's dress rehearsal and Sunday's concert. My girls have finals this week and hopefully we can spend some time relaxing soon. And, enjoying a little more Christmas spirit. 

Hey, things are looking up already. I managed to upload this one little picture of Abigail's new Christmas ornament. Only one, but hey...tomorrow it could be two.  


Penny said...

Love the ornament! Where did you get it?
I understand. The hardest semester of school, flair of health issues, and unexpected family issues seem to place me in the same place. The most common translation of Psalm 46 is to be still. The original New American Standard says to "cease striving." God has been teaching me this semester to cease striving and let Him be God. I am in no way there but I am starting to get it. May the time you are sick be spiritually renewing!

Barb said...

Hmm, I got sick the week before comps... I'm thinking stress surely must have something to do with it. Glad you're feeling better though, and were able to survive today. I pray we're all able to survive tomorrow. Let's try to take some time to pray before everyone gets there tomorrow, okay?

Oh, and I love the new look of the blog. Very colorful. Very jovial.

Peas on Earth said...

And now it's over. Deep breath ....... :-)