Friday, July 3, 2009

Happy 3rd of July

We decided to celebrate the 4th a little early tonight. What can I say? We're a family of overachievers. We usually spend the holiday at home, but this year were invited to spend the day with some friends in Arlington. So, of course, I had to pull out my flag plates and napkins I had already purchased and use them. Throw some chicken, hot dogs and corn-on-the-cob on the grill and you've got yourself a mini-celebration.

Even Bubbles got out and had a celebratory carrot.

Not sure who won this game. I went inside.
The Daring Duo was in the lead though.

Enjoying a post game slushy banana punch!

Overall, a fun day. I made two desserts for the 4th, scrapbooked a little, did a little laundry, a little reading...never did get to cleaning the bathroom though. Oh, well, it will be there tomorrow. Wait! Holiday -- it's against the rules to clean on a holiday. Well, my rules anyway.

Hope you have a wonderful July 4th celebrating our great nation and all the many freedoms we enjoy.

1 comment:

Barb said...

Looks like a fabulous day, and a typical Holmes family celebration. Wait, where was Bec?! Love the flag plates, and the corn looked delish!