Friday, November 30, 2007

It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas (in Reverse)

Melissa and I spent most of yesterday at the church. It was very tiring, but so fun! I love working with a "genius" (as my girls call Melissa...and she is) And, as proof of my post from yesterday, see the picture below, with her directing Michele, Evan and myself. Also, a huge "Thank You" to Barb who brought us lunch. That was a blessing.

Sitting in the middle of the shepherd's hillside

Isn't this the sweetest baby Jesus?
I keep singing, "Come, thou long expected Jesus...
born to set your people free."

It reminds me that we are not just doing this for fun. We have such an important message to share with unbelievers, that God sent Jesus for everyone. My prayer is that this message would come through loud and clear on Saturday and Sunday nights.

There will be no room in the inn .

Wow! This is Ricky and Luis covering the window and hanging the banner.
It was scary for us just to watch.

It will be a rollercoaster from now until Sunday. Pray that we keep our focus on God and not ourselves, on priorities not problems. And, may EVERYTHING we say and do glorify our Father in heaven.


Barb said...

AMEN! Preach it, sister! Love the pic of baby Jesus. So cute. Does he still smell? I'm really looking forward to this weekend, even though I'm already tired and it's just going to get worse from here.

Anonymous said...

Wow - I look completely lazy. Why am I so tired? Going to bed now. Hope I wake up in time in the morning.