Friday, November 23, 2007

Tour of Texas - Stop Two

WALLER -- For Thanksgiving Day lunch, we traveled to Waller, Texas (3o min. from Houston) to my cousin's ranch, Five Horses. Most of my family on my mother's side was in attendance -- 28 people in all. We had a delicious lunch, with way too much food (as always). When you're at Shannon's though, the main thing is the HORSES. So, we spent much of our time down at the barn.

my wonderful 92 year old grandpa

lunch by my mother

After lunch, we braved the cold winds and headed to the barn to see Shannon's new baby, Promise, only 5 months old. The foal was born prematurely and right after she was born, her mother stepped on and broke her leg. She's been spoiled in the barn extensively, and we were excited to be part of the day where she came out of the barn and walked around for the first time. She was so precious and would lay her head in the girls' laps when they sat down beside her. And, so soft!

A champagne horse, Tiramisu

Here's baby Promise, walking around outside for the first time.

One of her miniature horses, Charmer -- so fat! Rebecca helped Shannon put blankets on all the horses who didn't have shelter. Rebecca would have stayed if we would have let her.

Hay! What are you girls doing?
That hay smelled so good and sweet.

Abigail and the baby - what fun

Freedom, a beautiful thoroughbred racer that Shannon was given to work with. Shannon said she calls it "Free-dumb" because there is really no such thing as a free horse.

After dragging Rebecca and Abigail to the car kicking and screaming around 5:30, (kidding) we headed for Buna, about 2 1/2 hours away.

1 comment:

Barb said...

Beautiful horses! I bet Rebecca was in heaven. Glad you were able to figure out how to be there for Thanksgiving lunch.