Monday, April 29, 2013

Before School Photo - Day "I Have No Idea"

Here's another photo to add to my scrapbook page I'm going to do one day of all the days before school pics I've taken. Unfortunately, I have no idea what number day of school this actually is. I do know, however, that it was taken on Rebecca's 18th birthday, so when such a time comes that I make a scrapbook page, I'll be able to figure it out.

Love my cuties in their uniforms, but I know Becca is counting down the days until she has to wear them no more! I can almost predict that her official uniform for college will be Nike shorts and tshirts. Sadly, I won't have photos to prove it. College students frown on their moms coming down and taking a picture of their first day of school. I can't imagine why!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Maybe she will have one taken and send it to you. HaHa
