Friday, August 24, 2012

A Cupcake By Any Name Would Taste As Sweet

 I'm convinced that I can almost make a cupcake taste/sound better just by how I label it. I'll give you two examples. I made both of these cupcakes in the last week or so. They are both a chocolate-style cupcake with a light beige-colored frosting. They look tasty. They WERE tasty. (Why does "tasty" look misspelled?) 

Here's the fancy description:
Devil's Food Cupcake with Salted Caramel Cream Cheese Frosting and Butterscotch Ganache

Mocha Cupcake with Espresso Frosting Topped With a Godiva Dark Chocolate Pearl

In both cases, delicious!


Barb said...

salted caramel cream cheese?! why am I not in Fort Worth!

Genny said...

So sorry, Barb! I made these for a cross country party we had tonight. One day...

Barb said...

LOL, one day. I have big dreams, apparently. :)