Thursday, December 29, 2011

How to Survive the Christmas Crud x Six

Oh the joy of the post-holiday illness...times six people! It all started with Abigail a few days before Christmas, then Rebecca on Christmas Eve, then Michael and Katherine and Jeff and get the picture. I don't know if it's a cold or flu or what. It doesn't knock you down completely where you get nothing done, it just zaps you of energy, ruins your sleep and keeps you achy and slightly feverish off and on for about 7 days. For example, I'm sitting at the computer feeling so-so with my throat a little sore and in a while I'll be achy all over and freezing. Blah, blah, blah....

It's been interesting to have a house full of sick people, but somehow we are managing to get the basics done, like meals and dishes. I'm especially glad to have had Michael (Katherine's boyfriend) here because he has a special gene that causes him to put dishes in the dishwasher and to collect glasses and cups from all over the house. Too bad we had to get him sick while he was here!

Here are a few things that we could not have done without as we've battled the Christmas Crud of 2011:

1. Nyquil Cold & Flu - is it cold or is it flu? Doesn't matter. Just take this every night. It will help you to have a night of partial sleep versus no sleep at all.

2. Kleenex Cool Touch Tissues - the only tissue that's ever given Puffs Plus a run for their money. They are actually cold when you touch them to your nose!

3. Keurig - We've used the Keurig day and night, almost non-stop for the last week. Hot tea, coffee, cider, chocolate, you name it, hot drinks have abounded.

4. Carmex - for those horribly dry lips from mouth-breathing all night

5. Sleep - oh, how I long for a night of uninterrupted sleep for surely that would be the best thing to help me recover. I'm thinking it might just have to come in the form of a nap today.

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