Monday, November 22, 2010

Cake Times Three

Since I've had so much time on my hands (hah!) I managed to make three cakes in one week. Before you are too impressed, they are small, six inches across and don't even use a full cake mix. This is a good thing for my family because I use the remaining batter to make cupcakes.

The first cake was for Rebecca. She has been driving me crazy to eat wedding cake, white cake with white icing. I finally broke down and made her one -- just because.

This cake was for my friend, Lisa's birthday. She loves chocolate so the optimal choice was chocolate cake with chocolate icing.

This cake was for Rebecca's discipleship leader, Michele. Rebecca really loves her, so the heart made a perfect little gift for her birthday. An icing debacle due to poor color choice and bad consistency led me to a little disaster when doing this cake. I had to scrape off the flowers on top of the cake leaving me with smears and a mess about 10:30 one night. I begged Abigail to help me think of some way to salvage it. "Do you have chocolate chips?" she asked. And, thus this little cake received a different treatment than I've done before. Not bad, huh?

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