Thursday, October 21, 2010

Grandmother's Baby

If cats could talk, they wouldn't. ~Nan Porter

After scolding one's cat one looks into its face and is seized by the ugly suspicion that it understood every word. And has filed it for reference. ~Charlotte Gray

The reason cats climb is so that they can look down on almost every other animal - it's also the reason they hate birds. ~K.C. Buffington

If there were ever a person who I would have believed would never have a pet, it would be my mother. We had dogs growing up, but never cats. So, the very fact that my mother has one now still gives me a little pause; however, one only needs to visit her to know that her heart has been stolen by Jack. Or, as I like to call him -- "He Who Runs the House." If you question this, how about the fact that he jumps up in her lap every morning so she can rock him? He also decides what time everyone in the house gets up (5:00 a.m. anyone?).

I have no idea what kind of cat he is, but he is incredibly soft!

I don't know what he's thinking here, and
I probably don't want to know.
Mad eyes and ears!

He tried to stand up and get water out of this birdbath,
but it was empty. I made an effort to put water in it right then,
but of course I was too late and he had no desire for any water.

And, he's finished with the likes of us peasants.

The importance of Jack is evidenced by the fact that we spent an entire day at my mother's house and I don't have a single picture of a person. Not one.

1 comment:

Barb said...

Every cat I have ever liked (and they're quite few - I agree with Bro. Al!) have looked exactly like Jack, and have thought they were dogs. Hmm...