Saturday, May 15, 2010

Track Banquet - Let the Awards Continue

As I've already been blogging about this week, we've had a busy end of year attending banquets, awards dinners and the like. And, other than graduation, we've finally wrapped up all school events. Today was the track banquet, which saw even more awards brought home. As I've mentioned before, Rebecca absolutely loved track and was able to excel in it more than any other sport she has participated in. I give credit to the fact that she's a pretty fast runner and she had an amazing coach, Ron Abrams. I have secretly given him the "Best Coach at Grace Prep" Award.

Emma and Abigail with their awards

Bec with Alyx, who really mentored her this year

And now, in no particular order, the awards:
Outstanding Runner of 2010 Award
Girls Varsity 4 x 400 meter relay team

Most Dedicated Award
Coach A told the story about putting a freshman
(for the first time) into the 4x400 relay at the Texas Relays,
in front of 15,000 people and when she finished
the race, came off the track and said, "I loved that!"

All District Award

Varsity Letter in Track
(Letter Jacket to be ordered soon.)

Most Christ-Like Award
Junior High Team

Almost makes all those 5 hour track meets in blizzard conditions worth it....

1 comment:

Barb said...

Woohoo! Way to go, Bec! I'm impressed. And love the dress.