Monday, February 22, 2010

Chicken Soup for the Soul (Or What Ails Ya)

Here's another "just had to share" recipe from my menu last week -- Grandma's Chicken Soup. I love soup during the winter and this one hits the spot. Obviously it takes a little more time than just opening up a can of Campbell's, but it is well worth the time. As one of my tasters said, "Just had to say, that was the best chicken soup in the history of chicken soup." (Thanks, Melissa!)

Grandma's Chicken Soup

1 whole chicken, 2 1/2 to 3 pounds
2 cups chicken broth
3 large carrots, chopped
3 green onions, chopped
1 tsp. garlic, chopped
salt and pepper to taste
8 oz. fine egg noodles

Discard the gizzard and liver from the chicken. Place the chicken and broth in a stockpot and add enough water to cover. Add the carrots, green onions, garlic, salt and pepper. Bring to a boil and then reduce the heat.

Cook until the chicken is tender and registers 165 degrees with a meat thermometer. Remove the chicken to a platter, reserving the broth and vegetables. Debone the chicken and cut into bite sized pieces.

Return the chicken to the broth mixture. Stir in the noodles and cook until tender, about 8 minutes. Ladle soup into bowls. Serve with crackers or bread. Yum!


Barb said...

I could have used some of that chicken soup yesterday. Thankfully I'm feeling much better today, and it's not needed. :)

Melissa said...

You're welcome. Definitely worth the time. Of course it was your time and not mine, but still... I did invest some time in the eating, you know, with the savoring every last drop and all...does that count?
