Thursday, January 10, 2008

My Life is a Cliche

Have you heard it said, "Don't bite the hand that feeds you?" I've spent the better part of today trying to get one of my children to understand this very thing. Why would unnamed child want to fight/cry/get mad at me when I am trying to help them? I can understand frustration...boy, do I ever...but that doesn't help the situation. I am not against them, I am "for" them and it will be a happy day when unnamed child realizes that.

Have you also heard, "When it rains, it pours?" I received phone calls today from both my mother and my dad.

Dad's Call: my great aunt has fallen and broken her hip for the second time, my dad found his neighbor unconscious in his house the day after that, my brother and sister-in-law are having problems again and, of course, no one is speaking to anyone else.

Mom's Call: She is waiting for an ambulance to transport her mother-in-law to a nursing home, and after she is settled, Mother will go to Houston where my grandpa is suffering from a serious infection and dementia.

Can anyone say, "Stop the bus. I want to get off?"

So, I would appreciate a few prayers for my family today. We are a seriously dysfunctional, needy bunch, but thankfully I know that God is sovereign in all situations. Pray for peace of mind and comfort for my parents. Oh, and I'm kinda ready for Jeff to come home safely from Peru, too. (4 days!)

On a lighter note, can anyone give me the history of this recent cliche we heard from Jeff's brother? "We just need to make sure they are kissing the same cow." Uh, o.k. Anyone?


Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear of the family's many troubles.

And on the cow kissing question, I must admit, that one's been puzzling me since you said it on Sunday. Has to have originated in the south - sounds very southern anyway. Actually your family has many cliches I've never heard. I think you must be descended from some the original cliche makers because you guys have some of the best I've heard. I wonder when cliches first came about? Oh dear, more puzzles! And why do I puzzle over things of this nature when I'm sure I must have much more important things that need my attention. I must be easily distracted or more probably, avoiding other things which I should be doing. Anyway, there you have it - sadly, probably my most profound thoughts of the day. And finally, I fear I already need another lovely weekend away with all my favorited girl-type people. It's been a long week.

I'll be praying for everyone and everything and Jeff's safe trip home.

Paige said...

I can't tell you about the kissing cow - I think it means something about being on the same page. My mom always says "that dog don't hunt" when she doesn't agree with something.

As for the when it rains it pours and all the problems that have seemed to come up, always remember that every cloud has a silver lining, tomorrow is another day, the sun will come out tomorrow, I shall never go hungry again, hope springs eternal,keep your chin up...

Okay, I could go on, but I'll just stop and say my prayer for your family and for you. Love ya!

Genny said...


You make me smile. :>)

teresa said...

I'm glad I checked your blog today. I can now tell Todd how his grandmother is doing. We have been getting brief emails that sound like she will pass anytime now. I have entered the blog world too. If you find out anymore get Jeff to email Todd when he returns from Peru. He is in our prayers.

Barb said...

I asked my Mamaw about the kissing cow cliche - she had never heard of it, but found it quite amusing and is already planning to try it out on her sunday school teacher this weekend. So, it must be a Texas thing, but perhaps now it will transition to Alabama as well. =)