This is a picture of the window in my laundry room. The pig is a bank that holds the loose change I find. The sign, of course, is a reminder. Naturally my first thought upon entering with yet ANOTHER load of laundry is, "We could simplify things around here if people would stop wearing so many clothes! There is one thing, however, that you might not notice in this picture. Look closer...
Still don't see it yet?
LOOK CLOSER...You may have to click on this picture to enlarge and see...yes, the thick layer of dust on the window sill. The offwhite window sill is practically gray. So is the pig! After all, the sign did say SIMPLIFY. I simplify by not dusting!
Somewhere, my mother is on her computer reading this, hyperventilating and is about to hop into her car, dust cloth in hand, headed to Fort Worth, thinking "Where did I go wrong?" I don't think she believes in SIMPLIFY.