We made the tough decision that Bogey Fairway Turtle needed to live somewhere more comfortable than a bowl in our house. He needed to be free! So, Abigail and I put him in a cup and proceeded to the nearest "perfect place," a little stream by a park on Trail Lake Drive.

Here's a picture of Bogey's new home -- idyllic for a turtle, right?
I'm instructing Abigail to "just walk down those big rocks to the water's edge" and set Bogey down at the edge of the stream. As she steps down on the first rock, she says, "Oh, look! A big snake!"
"There's no snake down there. It's probably a piece of rope or something," I reply. (Clearly not realizing that snakes are now coming out of hibernation due to the warmer weather. Idiot!)
"No, he's pretty big and he's alive. I'm going to get a closer picture of him," she responded.
I walked around to try and get a better look, when "WHOA! Back up, Abigail! Get away from that thing! It looks like a water moccasin," said me, starting to hyperventilate.
Here's where I should explain that I despise snakes, and Abigail, who could not possibly be related to me by birth, is fascinated by them. "Does he have a pointy head?" I quiver. Quick! Remember the rule of poisonous snakes. Don't the poisonous ones have pointy heads? (I know...pointy is not the right word choice here, but I was in slight freaked out mode.
She leans closer to get a better look, laughing at me, shaking from four feet away. "Yea, it looks like it might be (rolling eyes) pointy."

You can see the 'pointy' head between the rocks in the top left of this picture. Ugh!

And, just in case you weren't sure, here's a closer view.
(as he slithers over the rocks....shudder)
I suggested we go a little ways down the stream to release Bogey Turtle -- somewhere with less rocks hiding fang-dripping poisonous creatures. I didn't want to send him off to immediate death by snake.

Here he is, swimming away to freedom.

Here are some of Bogey's friendly new neighbors.
We hope Bogey has a nice, long happy life. And, please don't respond to this by saying that the snake pictured above is a perfectly harmless, common, everyday "something or other." They are all deadly to me!