When I was growing up my mother would often say, "I look like the last rose of summer." I have been known to use that very quote myself, especially on days where I feel like my appearance is wilted, tired or faded. As I was walking around my backyard yesterday, I thought of those words -- how summer weather is almost gone and the flowers of that season are slowly fading. While I am excited about the appearance of fall with its pumpkins, mums and cooler weather, there are still a few plants holding onto the last little bit of summer.
These little red flowers just popped up a few days ago. They are especially enjoyable to me because my nanny always had them in her yard, and they make me think of her.
My rosemary plant (right) didn't fare so well. Oh well...if I want fresh rosemary chicken, I'll just go to Macaroni Grill.

I had great success with my potted tomatoes this year. I did finally give them over to the squirrels. That's right, you little evil things, have them!
Hydranges, even faded ones, are still my favorites.
And, finally...the last rose of summer.